In our first article we looked at the initial impact from the sudden lockdown of the entire hospitality sector, what we had observed in our own operations and the emerging Government support initiatives. We had only just begun to understand the impact of these measures on the whole economy, and really didn't comprehend how long we would be in this effective total lockdown of operations and cash flow.


IFT - Unlocking Value, Saving Jobs

Assured hotels joined the Institute for Turnaround through their Directors as members in 2015, and in the current crisis we see this community for like-minded professionals working together to find business solutions as more relevant than ever. This wide ranging article sets out to explain why turnaround as a general business approach will be required across the majority of leisure businesses, particularly hotels, in the phase immediately after COVID19. Many of the closed hotels would have never imagined they would be in such a predicament, however we hope this gives to any reader the belief and confidence that as an IFT member familiar with a turnaround approach to our sector we have the soft skills built in to assist in what will be a slow recovery when we get there.


Lambert Smith Hampton - Hotels Update April 2020

Further realistic insight from the team at LSH, positivity highlighted where opportunities will exist in the recovery phase focused on the need for adapting and embracing the new situation. Includes market commentary and some useful insights into the specific types of hotels, locations and facilities that should perform better if the right balance between flexibility, safety and hospitality is achieved.
