Hotel Exit

Achieving Value through Sale Preparation

Executing disposals to maximise outcomes for owners, lenders or Insolvency Practitioners, Assured Hotels can work with owners / investors to exit their assets in a managed way to ensure they achieve their aims whether that is pricing, timing or otherwise in the following scenarios:

Owner Led Exit which could be due to a want to retire, monetise their investment or otherwise. Assured Hotels can assist by:

    • Getting the asset, or group of hotels, ready for sale;
    • Build a standalone management so the business is not solely reliant on one person; and
    • Manage the sale process in dealings with brokers, lawyers etc. to ensure best outcomes.

Administration Exit – Assured have extensive experience over many years, including pre-appointment assessment, trading to retain going concern, or closure of non-viable businesses.

We would operationally manage a hotel, or group of assets, that has fallen into administration and where there is a void of “on the ground management”. This will be done with limited resources and is relatively short dated through to a sale.

Group Disposals due to assets becoming non-core, underperforming or moving sectors, where Assured Hotels can assist in the same way as an Owner Exit.

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